Jiān xián 间弦 (trad: 間絃), "Gap String", Héxián 和弦 , and Hé shēng 和聲
jian xian 1.png

Several fingers pluck several strings with a closing motion. The strings are not adjacent to each other and are less than an octave apart. Sources disagree on the specifics.

Lee says He Xian is for two strings plucked while Jian Xian is three played as a chord.

Kwok says He Xian is for three or more strings while Jian Xian is for two.

Ferguson’s various sources agree two strings are plucked although the number of strings between the two strings can vary. His sources disagree as to which two fingers are used to pluck the two strings.

Dà cuō 大撮 "Big Pinch" or just 撮 (abr. 早) “Pinch”
xiao cuo.png

Use the thumb and the middle finger to pluck two strings that have four strings between them in a closing motion, fingers moving toward the palm. This sounds an octave when played on a pentatonic tuning. If using own nails, nail and pad of the fingers touch the strings.

Kao also offers the term “kou”.

Da cuo and xiao cuo demonstration used with permission of Austin Guzheng Studio.

Dà Fǎn cuō 反撮 "Pinch Opposite"
da fan cuo.png

Use the thumb and the middle finger to pluck two strings in an opening motion, away from the palm. The plucked strings must have four strings between them. If using own nails, only the nails touch the strings.

Kao suggests that Chaozhou teachers may call this Fēi zhǐ 飞指 “Flying Finger”. Ferguson also offers the term Pēn zhǐ 喷指 “Puff Finger”.

Fù zhǐ 复指 (trad: 複指) “Repeated Finger”
fu zhi.png

A class of techniques where the same string is struck twice in quick succession. Either the same finger or two different fingers can be used. The symbol is a combination of the individual techniques stacked on top of each other.

The following list is offered by Ferguson and personal experience:

Thumb, closing then opening.

Middle finger, closing then opening.

Thumb then index, both closing.

Index then thumb, both closing.

Thumb closing, index opening

Index then thumb, both opening. Ferguson calls this Gǔn zhǐ 滚指, “Rolling Fingers”

Middle then index, both closing

Index then Middle, both closing

Middle then index, both opening.

Index then Middle, booth opening.

Symbols you may see: